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This forum is based on G-Forum BASIC, version 1.0, by Anthony Stefano. Anthony Stefano reserves all rights to this code. Redistribution of this code must include this page. Please give credit where credit is due.

G-Forum BASIC is based on the old CGI WWWBoard that so many people may remember from the old days of the Internet. G-Forum BASIC is a basic forum (web board) without all the advanced features of moderators and user accounts. It supports basic formatting commands, smiles, bad word filtering and searching. It is also easily customized by modifying the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) page and the data file.

Terms and Conditions: This code is free to use and modify for both personal and commercial use as long as the forum contains a link to Anthony Stefano's website on the main page or the about page.

The latest version of G-Forum BASIC can be found at http://solutions.meguido.com.